Source code for Example

#!/usr/bin/env python

#Example to describe the main steps required to define the model and inpute paramaters
#and solve the boltzmann equations

#First tell the system where to find the modules:
import sys,os
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
import logging as logger

[docs]def main(parameterFile,outputFile,showPlot=True): """ Main code to define the BSM contents and properties and solve the Boltzmann equations :param parameterFile: Path to the file defining the main model parameters :param outputFile: Path to the output file. If None, no results will be written. :param showPlot: If True, will show a simple plot for the evolution of the energy densities """ from pyCode import AuxFuncs import modelDefinitions from pyCode.component import Component from pyCode.boltzSolver import Evolve parser = SafeConfigParser() if not logger.error("No such file or directory: '%s'" % parameterFile) sys.exit() #Get the model parameters (or define them here): TRH = parser.getfloat("parameters","TRH") TF = parser.getfloat("parameters","TF") modelDefinitions.yCoupling = parser.getfloat("parameters","yCoupling") modelDefinitions.mMediator = parser.getfloat("parameters","mMediator") modelDefinitions.mDM = parser.getfloat("parameters","mDM") #Define the components to be evolved and their properties: dm = Component(label='DM',Type='thermal',dof=1, mass=modelDefinitions.mDM,sigmav=modelDefinitions.DMSigmaV) mediator = Component(label='Mediator',Type='thermal',dof=-2, mass=modelDefinitions.mMediator,decays=modelDefinitions.MediatorDecays, sigmav=modelDefinitions.MediatorSigmaV) compList = [dm,mediator] #Evolve the equations from TR to TF Evolve(compList,TRH,TF) #Print summary # TF = compList[0].evolveVars['T'][-1] if outputFile: if os.path.isfile(outputFile): os.remove(outputFile) AuxFuncs.printParameters(parser.items('parameters'),outputFile) AuxFuncs.printSummary(compList,TF,outputFile) AuxFuncs.printData(compList,outputFile) else: AuxFuncs.printSummary(compList,TF,sys.stdout) if showPlot: #Plot solutions import pylab for comp in compList: pylab.plot(comp.evolveVars['R'],comp.evolveVars['rho'],label=comp.label) pylab.plot(compList[0].evolveVars['R'],compList[0].evolveVars['T'],label='T') pylab.legend() pylab.yscale('log') pylab.xscale('log')
if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Evolve Boltzmann equations for a simple non-thermal DM scenario" ) ap.add_argument('-p', '--parameterFile', help='name of parameter file, where most options are defined', default = 'parameters.ini') ap.add_argument('-o', '--outputFile', help='name of output file (optional argument). If not define, no output will be saved', default=None) ap.add_argument('-P', '--plotResult', help='show simple plot for the evolution of densities', action='store_true',default = False) args = ap.parse_args() main(args.parameterFile,args.outputFile,args.plotResult)